Social Media
Meets Performance

We leave no marketing dollar behind. Social Garden is the social media marketing company that delivers sales results. We’ve got the track record to prove it.

Great Social Media Marketing Is Great Content Marketing

It’s like the ability to hit that perfectly timed pause right before the punchline of a killer
joke. Nail it and win the crowd!

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Channel Content Fit

Channels? Format? Tik Tok? Where do you even start? Let us keep up with the crazy trends for you.

Our team of content creators will help you hit the right note - like that dramatic pause before a perfectly timed punchline.

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Always Be Optimising

Social media marketing moves crazy fast. You can let the grass grow under your feet. You need fancy footwork!

We use data-driven insights to constantly challenge our creative thinking to ensure your results don’t stagnate.

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Hyper-Targeted Campaigns

It’s not just about great ideas. Every move is measured. Right message, right channel, right time. Simples

As big as these platforms are, if you’re not thinking hyper-targeted, you're limiting your ability to deliver results.

We Don't Just Talk The Social
Media Talk, We Walk It

Check out these case studies where we’ve leveraged the power of social media marketing to create a ton of value and huge ROI for our customers.

Social Media Marketing

Here’s what goes into it:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • Youtube Ads
  • 3rd Party Audience Building
  • Split Testing Creative
  • Dynamic Creative
  • Audience Segmentation
  • Dynamic Retargeting
  • 1st Party Audience Building
  • Campaign Optimisation
  • Creative Optimisation
  • Lead Capture Pages
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Pixel Tracking
  • Intent Data Capture
  • Thank You Pages
  • Lead Profiling
  • CRM Integration
  • Custom Reporting

Oh Yeah, We Partner With
The Big Guys Too

Request a Social Media Content Strategy

Social Media Management FAQ’s

Social media marketing is an important part of any marketing strategy as it enables you to connect with an audience of engaged users who are interested in your product or service.

Facebook is a great tool for businesses looking to connect with potential customers. There are more than 2.7B Facebook users worldwide and it is the 3rd most visited website behind Google and YouTube.

There are two key social media marketing strategies we focus on, organic social and paid social. Organic social is about building a community of engaged followers who interact with your content. The key goals for organic social are brand awareness, website traffic, website conversion and ROAS. Paid social enables us to reach your target audience using paid advertising. The goals for paid social vary from business to business but are usually ROAS, sales, leads, traffic and brand awareness.

There are many ways to improve your social media marketing. Here are some of the factors we consider here at Social Garden: content strategy, copywriting, user generated content, conversion rate optimisation, ad targeting, audience segmentation and more.

The social media platforms you choose to market on really depend on the audience you are trying to connect with and the products and services you are trying to sell. Be where your audience is. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to have a presence on every social media platform. Do one or two really well and the ROI will follow.

Our social media marketing services start from $3,000 per month. The cost of our social media marketing services depends on your KPIs and the number of channels you want to be across. Our social media advertising campaigns start from a minimum of $8,000 per month.

Social Garden has over 9+ years experience working with social media. We have invested more than $10M in social media advertising and generated over $2B in sales for our customers.

The key to great social media creative is developing it with the channel and placement in mind. We have an awesome creative team who specialise in developing creative for social media. We also have a community of content creators who can help create epic user-generated creative that converts like crazy. Our amazing team focuses on all things conversion and as a result we have years of data and insights into what makes the perfect ad and landing page experience.

At Social Garden we’re committed to providing you with real time reporting on the metrics that matter. Our analytics experts leverage a number of tools to assist in campaign tracking. We have also developed our own real-time reporting analytics tool, LeadTech insights, which helps property developers and agents access key data in real-time.

Social Garden offers a wide range of digital marketing services including lead generation, social media marketing, Facebook advertising, SEO, call conversion, market research, email marketing, marketing automation, CRM and customer journey mapping.

Use your KPIs to guide your social media marketing budget. Try your best to quantify the value of key metrics such as impressions, traffic, engagement, referrals and leads. Work out what you're best at and where you have gaps, then invest your budget accordingly.

Performance Marketing Services

Check out the other services we offer:

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Lead Generation

Bottom-line focused performance lead generation backed by deep industry specialisation.

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Retargeting solutions for every stage of your sales journey from first impression to sale.

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Social Media Marketing

Data-driven content strategy and execution that stays ahead of trends and drives sales

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Lead Generation

Bottom-line focused performance lead generation backed by deep industry specialisation.

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Retargeting solutions for every stage of your sales journey from first impression to sale.

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Social Media Marketing

Data-driven content strategy and execution that stays ahead of trends and drives sales

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Get in touch to request your free strategy review.

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